When I was appointed to Novi UMC, one of my worship leaders in Carleton Church asked me where my new assignment was. I told her, "Novi UMC." Her first response was quite interesting. She said, "Oh, number six." I asked her, "What do you mean by number six?" She explained why Novi was called number six. Novi was the sixth stagecoach stop from Detroit to Lansing, and it was No. VI in Roman numerals.

Her story reminded me that I am now standing at Novi UMC, which is station number six on my spiritual journey to the final destination. Christians should remember that being Christians is not our final destination. Instead, we are constantly traveling, maturing in our faith, and making an ongoing journey to the place that Jesus Christ has prepared for us, which we call it as "heaven" or the "new Jerusalem.

Today, I will talk about three things through John 1:1-13.

  1. The first one is: What is the divine relationship between the Word and Jesus Christ?
  2. The second is: What is the main spiritual benefit that Jesus Christ has given to each of us?
  3. The last one is: What is the greatest ministry function of the Church in modern days?

Divine Identity of Jesus Christ

Today’s passages start with the words, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” He was with God in the beginning. Through Him, all things were made; without Him, nothing was made that has been made.

In these three verses, Apostle John identifies who the Logos is, which is translated as "the Word" in English. He tells us that the Logos was with God in the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth. The Logos existed with God as co-creator before entering the world as the man of God revealing the Father and His will.

In these passages, John wanted to tell us who Jesus Christ was and is among us. Jesus had existed as the Logos with God, but when He came into the world, He took on a new name and new identity as Jesus Christ of Nazareth. As you know, Jesus is Yehoshua, the personal name that Joseph and Mary gave Him when He was born in Bethlehem. "Christ" means the Messiah, the Savior of the world.

So, Jesus Christ and the Logos are the same person. When He was in heaven with God as the second person of Trinity, He was the Logos. But when He came into the world to save all humanity, He was called Jesus Christ “Jesus the Savior of the world.”

Divine characteristic of Jesus Christ

In verses 4 and 5, it talks about Jesus' divine characteristic as the light of life. His primary job description as the Savior is to bring this light of life to all of us. The Logos, who dwelled with God the Father in heaven, was sent by God to fallen humanity. When people were wandering in darkness, overwhelmed with fear and pain, Jesus Christ came to meet us and bring His light to shine the way.

When I was in Korea, I was born and lived in a small village in the mountains. Every school day, I had to walk over hill to get to school, which was about three miles away because there were no school buses for me. I remember coming home late from school when I was in 4th or 5th grade. It was completely dark out there, making it difficult to find my way home.

When I was overwhelmed with fear and had lost my confidence to find my way home, I saw a light coming toward me from a distance. It was my old brother's small motorcycle headlight, coming to meet me and pick me up. I still remember clearly how the darkness seemed to disappear as the light approached me. Seeing my brother coming towards me with that light, my fear melted away, and joy filled my heart.

When my older brother came and looked at me, his first words were, “You’re bothering me a lot. Your mother has been very worried about you, and she sent me to find you.”

In the same way, God worries about us. So, He sent His Son Jesus Christ with His light to find us when we are troubled on our spiritual journey. So now, let us hold the hands of Jesus and walk with Him. This is what the Christian life is all about.

These verses emphasize that Jesus' divine purpose as the Son of God and His positive impact on those who accept Him.

In John 8:12, Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

Spiritual function of the Church

In verses 1-5, we learn about how God and His Son, Jesus Christ, have worked for all of us. First of all, God created heaven and earth through His Son, Jesus Christ, and sent Him to us to shine His light and help us find the way of salvation. Verses 6-8 explain how we, as Christians, should respond while God and Jesus Christ work to fulfill God's will for humanity.

What you and I need to do is to be witnesses to how the light of God comes and transforms our hearts and lives through our words and actions.

In verse 6, it says, "There was a man sent from God to testify about the light and to bear witness to it so that all people might believe in what God and His Son have done for us."

If someone asks me why an all-powerful God needs our involvement to fulfill His divine will and purpose, the biblical answer is clear in verses 10-11: "He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to his own, but his own did not receive him."

God needs a human witness not for Himself, but for people who do not recognize the light of life among us.

Examples of the Light

There are biblical examples of people not recognizing the Light. When the Star of Bethlehem appeared to announce the birth of the Messiah, the people of Israel didn't recognize it. Only a couple of shepherds and three wise men noticed it. Similarly, when Jesus Christ walked among people, they didn't realize the Messiah was right there with them. Only two people followed Jesus Christ when John the Baptist said, "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world" (John 1:29). People need a witness.

My question today is: who can fulfill the role of John the Baptist and carry out his ministry of bearing witness to Jesus in the modern world? It is Christians in the Church. The Church as a whole should be a witness of God for people who do not fully understand Jesus Christ and his love in our community.

The spiritual function of Novi UMC could be like station number six, providing a place where 'passengers' can rest, eat, and prepare to continue their spiritual journey to eternity. Being Christians is not our final destination.


As we reflect on John 1:1-13, let us embrace the light of life that the Word offers and discover our true selves, our purpose, and our ultimate destiny. In the light of life, we find our true purpose, our eternal hope, and our unshakeable foundation.

@07.07.24 Pastor Cloud Poy

@ Photo on UnsplashWonderlane

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