Lisa Poy

Founder / Executive Director

Lisa majored in Mission English (B.A.) at Seoul Theological University. She then graduated from the same school majoring in Christian Counseling (M.A.C.). During her graduate school study, she served as an unordained pastor at the Korean Coast Guard for three years, leading Friday and Sunday worship for the police officers.

After her ministry at the Korean Coast Guard, she served in a newly planted church located in Doksan-dong, Seoul, as a lay minister. At the same time, she worked in marketing for a Christian Broadcasting Company (now called Good T.V.). After working for about a year, God called her to serve O.M.S. (One Mission Society), mission agency; she worked there for thirteen years.

While working as an office manager, Lisa taught English to missionary candidates at the Evangelical Missionary Training Center in the Korea Evangelical Holiness Church. She built up a relationship with homeland assignment missionaries, who stayed at the training center. It was a challenge for her to have a concern about missionary member care, naturally, because she could hear missionaries’ real life and anxiety at the mission field. She earned a Th.D. in “Self-Expressive Writing Therapy for Missionary (Spiritual Guidance for Missionaries)” at the specialized graduate school of divinity.

In August of 2018, she went to Asbury Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky, for the summer intensive course of her second doctoral program (D.Min). She felt that God gave her the heart to start a member care ministry in the United States. A few days later, she met her husband, Cloud, and in December of that year, she married him and moved to the States.

She has already finished the missionary training at O.M.S. H.Q. in Greenwood, Indiana. At the same time, she completed the associate missionary training at the Korea Evangelical Holiness Church. Hence, she was in the process of her funding for member care ministry. Marriage was a new chapter in her life, and her ministry field changed from Korea to the States. Now she is in a transition period to adjust to the new area.

Four years will be her second term of missionary work. Currently, she is focusing on the groundwork for Lydia’s House ministry as a real retreat center. The primary focus is on fund raising to buy a Lydia House.

Cloud Poy

Leading pastor

Cloud went to the Philippines as a short-term mission while he was studying Theology at the Central Theological School. He received a calling from God to study Theology more and moved to the States.

He studied Theology at God’s Bible School in Cincinnati, Ohio, for his Bachelor’s degree. After that, he went to Asbury Seminary to study missiology; however, he transferred from missiology to M.Div because he believed that Master of Divinity would be the groundwork for mission work.

Right after his graduation, he was commissioned by the United Methodist Church as a leading pastor, and now he is working in an American church in Northern Michigan.

He became interested in Multi-Ethnic ministry based on his concern as a Korean pastor at American churches and is currently studying his doctoral program (D.Min) at Talbot School of Theology at Biola University in California.

While he was praying for a holistic care center for pastoral workers, he met his wife, Lisa, who has the same vision for “the care center for pastors and missionaries.” Both of them pray for this ministry.

Alecia Bonson


Alecia is a volunteer proofreader with Lydia's House. She has missions experience in South Korea, and graduated in grad school. Currently she is teaching at Christian International School in Japan.

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